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A message from Reverend Ted Pike

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Informative work from brave journalists

The world is increasingly moving toward a Zionist-dominated New World Order, (Babylon the Great' is Israel. The National Prayer Network is concerned that Christians kept informed on how to best to resist.

A powerful source providing such warning comes from videos of the newly emerging anti-Zionist Evangelical Right, now flexing its muscles of total truthtelling on the internet world stage.

With the new graphics and formatting of, NPN has decided to provide a video platform where the best in anti-Zionist video may be presented.The only restrictions are that videos must contain no profanity, advocate no ideas contrary to the Bible, or, in the name of combatting the Zionist conspiracy, promote contempt or dehumanization of other races, including blacks and Jews.

In short, NPN’s new anti-Zionist Video Theater will be a place where families can come, free from any danger of absorbing unchristian or racist values. Empowered to know the enemies of Christ as never before, visitors will be taught how to take effective action- and win!

This resource will also be a place where the video record of legislative battles Rev.Ted Pike has largely led can be archived. This is important for the future because the Anti-Defamation League, self- proclaimed architect of “anti- hate” laws world- wide, never gives up. Every patriot should be aware of the issues concerning legislative conflict with ADL because the threat they pose will surface again and again. As long as ADL is around the survival of freedom will be on the line.

The video documentaries created by Rev. Ted Pike reveal his penetrating insights spanning the broad realms of Zionist conspiracy, ADL hate crime laws, Bible prophecy, and Christian theology. Released in 1987, Pike’s “Other Israel” was the first major video documentary to present “ the whole story of Zionist conspiracy.” It filled a huge vacuum, with 12,000 VHS copies sold in the first two months.

“Hate Laws: Making Criminals of Christians” reveals how the Anti-Defamation League has ended free speech for all Canadians, but especially Christians, and intends to do so worldwide.

“Why The Mideast Bleeds” presents a very Biblical, but very largely ignored thesis: a nation of rebellious, Christ- rejecting Jews cannot lawfully occupy God’s Holy Land.The consequence is Israeli-provoked terrorism world-wide; exile and “Great Tribulation” under Antichrist tomorrow.

“Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” predominantly answers the question:”Why has the Evangelical Church lost its way in regard to the subject of Israel?

This video section also includes a number of much shorter videos, as well as well as videos about Pike or featuring him in YouTube Interviews.

Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance

Ted with Adam Green

Talmud and Jewish Supremacy

Why The Mid-East Bleeds

Calvinism and Zionism

Gaza Made Simple for Christians

Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance

Hate Laws Making Criminals of Christians

Christian Zionists - USA

Town Hall Meeting Outrage

Hate Law Jihad

Holder admits: no equality under hate bill.

Rabbi Dovid Weiss: Zionism has created rivers of blood.

Contact Truthtellers

Email Rev. Ted Pike: npntedpike [@]

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