Last week I announced that dominant Judiciary Democrats might speed federal hate bill S. 909 directly to the Senate floor for a vote, during their committee hearing May 12. This didn’t happen. Discussion was confined to federal aid to conventional police agencies, not takeover of local hate crimes law enforcement.
I believe the Democrats decided to wait because of massive protest this past week demanding formal hearings. Unlike two years ago, this time they will not rush the hate bill forward to a vote in the Senate by the end of the week. (In the previous Congress, they dispensed with hate bill hearings altogether, moving the hate bill to passage in the Senate.)
Leahy's delay is very good news. We have at least another week to protest the "pedophile protection act" to the Senate.
When calling House or Senate, you may encounter pro-hate bill staffers who argue that the hate bill poses no danger. To make your calls even more effective, you must understand the deceptions and misinformation that surround this devious legislation. The following are the most common hate bill lies you may encounter, with suggested responses.
To learn more about the dangers posed by S. 909, read the actual bill, posted here at Also, read my extensive comments on the longer, previous version of it, S. 1145, located here at
- “The hate bill does not threaten free speech. It only gives the government greater ability to investigate and punish violent hate crimes when states can't or won't.”
Truth: The hate bill amends the 1968 federal hate law, Title 18 U.S.C. Section 2a, which states that anyone whose speech "induces" another to commit a violent hate crime will be tried as a principal alongside the active offender. ("Whoever commits an offense against the United States [a violent hate crime] or aids, abets, counsels, commands, induces or procures its commission, is punishable as a principal.")
This bill threatens any speech from the pulpit, airwaves, or even street corner -- which might be construed to have contributed to a violent “hate crime.”
- “This bill does not give special federal protection to homosexuals. It only restores to them rights, privileges, and protections enjoyed by other federally protected classes, such as race, gender, and religion.”
Truth: This legislation suggests penalties against those who attack a homosexual out of bias be magnified by three levels. (1) This means that under S. 909 a homosexual is valued and protected three levels more by the law enforcement and judicial system than a heterosexual. The police will respond three times levels faster to his cry, "Hate crime!" The local DA will indict three levels more zealously. Federal investigative services, trying to locate and apprehend the fleeing suspect, will also pursue him pursue him with three levels greater diligence.
You say this doesn't mean special federal protection? Get real!
- “Pedophiles are never mentioned in this bill. Pedophilia is illegal, and nothing in this bill will protect them from prosecution.”
Truth: On the floor of the House, pro-hate bill Democrat Rep. Alcee Hastings made a definitive statement. He welcomed under the umbrella of hate bill protection all forms of sexual deviancy, illegal or not. “This bill addresses our resolve to end violence based on prejudice and to guarantee that all Americans, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability, or all of these 'Philias' and fetishes and 'isms' that were put forward need not live in fear because of who they are. I urge my colleagues to vote in favor of this rule."
Yes, this bill does not forbid the justice system from prosecuting and punishing pedophiles. But it does afford an accused homosexual pedophile, from the beginning, extraordinary attention, services, and protection. These privileges are not given the heterosexual rapist who cannot claim victimization because of his "sexual orientation."
As Rep. Gohmert charges, if a mother assaults a homosexual pedophile while he attempts to rape her child, and the pedophile and his friends scream "Hate crime!" to the police, that mother faces magnitude three penalties of up to 10 years in federal prison. She will have to hire the best attorney she can find (with a minimum $10,000 retainer) and may face several preliminary hearings, much publicity (possibly unfavorable), and trial.
- “Democrats voted down Rep. King's amendment, which would have required a statement in the bill excluding pedophiles, because it’s unnecessary and redundant. The Hate Crimes Statistics Act of 1990 says "sexual orientation" means consensual sex. Pedophiles are not involved in consensual sex so they won’t be protected under this bill."
Truth: A large percentage of homosexuals are pedophiles. Sex with boy prostitutes, which is certainly consensual, is an enormous fact of the gay scene, especially in large urban centers. NAMBLA (the North American Man-Boy Love Association) is a powerful homosexual/pedophile activist group which strongly asserts that all sexual relations they have with boys are consensual. In fact, they insist boys often initiate sex, consenting as much as do adult males.
Here's the real reason why hate bill defenders refused King's amendment: They know the pseudoclass "sexual orientation" is largely inhabited by homosexual pedophiles. But if they start excluding "bad" homosexuals from "good" ones, Republicans will come in for the kill, demanding that more and more of the 547 "paraphilias" (sexual deviancies) listed by the American Psychological Association also be banned from protection under the hate bill.
Lesbian activist Rep. Tammy Baldwin admitted in the House Judiciary markup session two weeks ago that if that happens, "The hate bill will be gutted."
- “Section 10 of the hate bill says, "Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prohibit any constitutionally protected speech…" This guarantees the hate bill will never punish anyone for speech.”
Truth: Section 10 is a thin layer of icing on the heavy hate bill cake — poisoned at every layer to kill freedom. Think of the hate bill as established on a silver platter, inscribed with federal law Title 18 U.S.C. Section 2a. This inscription flatly states that any one whose speech might "induce" commission of a violent hate crime will be "tried as a principal." This edict destroys first amendment free speech protection at the hate bill's most foundational level. On that silver substratum is the first layer of the cake: empowerment of the government to unite federal policing authority with local. This is the very definition of a police state -- stripping states of their 10th Amendment rights in law enforcement.
The second layer of the hate bill cake is S. 909's requirement of possible level three penalties against hate bill offenders. This gives magnified importance to the rights and dignity of those, particularly homosexuals, who claim victimhood because of bias-motivated crime. Such is a mockery of the 14th Amendment which forbids government to grant some citizens special rights, protections, and services over others.
The third layer consists of the hate bill's brand new justice system for America. It is not based on traditional law, which says that police must establish physical, demonstrable evidence that a crime has been committed, before they can arrest. Under this new bias-motivation justice system, mere suspicion of prejudice or bias behind a crime is all the federal government needs to intrude into states' rights and law enforcement, investigating, indicting, and convicting.
Do you see how the hate bill, on at least four levels, takes away free speech, states' rights, and equality before the law? The thin layer of icing proposed by Section 10 (claiming to protect free speech) contradicts the freedom stealing intention of everything beneath. It is merely frosting.
Hate crimes laws may make you a lawbreaker! Such laws, while claiming to promote tolerance, actually lead to the end of free speech! Powerful articles and NPN’s video exposé of hate crimes laws in Canada and the United States provide you with the vital tools necessary to combat this imminent threat to freedom. This video is especially important as acts of terrorism extend the power of "Big Brother" to monitor what you do, say, and think.
White House sources have revealed that President Trump regrets following the left-conciliating advice of his son-in-law and senior advisor, Jared Kushner regarding police reform.
They say he has abandoned Kushner’s advice on this issue, returning to his previous assertion that “systemic racism” in American police is a virtual non-issue compared to the magnitude of protection and fair play which the vast majority of police provide all citizens.
17 December, 2019 - EMERGENCY ALERT - Trump Supports Jewish Claim: Christianity is Antisemitic.
President Trump’s recent Executive Order IS THE TEXT of the Jewish ADL’s “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, S852, recently rejected by the US Senate for Committee consideration.
“Anti-Semitism Awareness” Bill Worse than “Equality” Bill! Good news! The Christian-threatening, LGBT- promoting “Equality Act” could not face confrontation with hostile Senate Judiciary Republicans this spring. It went nowhere. Yet Democrats could still try to get it through the Senate Judiciary. NPN will sound the alarm at if it starts to move forward.
18 May 2019 - EMERGENCY ALERT - Senate New Forum for “Equality” Bill Debate
Call the Congress Hotline at 1-202-224-3121 and ask for a Senator’s office. I suggest you say: “Please don’t vote for the “Equality Act” S788. It will help end free speech for Christians making them criminals if they criticize Homosexuality”.
01 May 2019 - EMERGENCY ALERT - “Equality” Bill Hastens Babylon the Great - Part Two
If Jews acquire full protection as a “protected class” in America it will mean that if a Jew complains to the government that he has suffered “acute emotional trauma” as a result of “anti semitic” discrimination or criticism of his race or religion he may prompt a federal investigation. If the government agrees, the defendant will have to retain the best lawyer he can find.
Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015
Email: Rev. Ted Pike, npntedpike [@]