I continue to marvel how many anti-Zionist leaders, knowing the Jewish New World order is coming, ignore that this fact was prophesied by the Bible. Perhaps this is because that would lead to serving the Author, Jesus Christ. (See 'Babylon the Great' is Israel) Such activists exclude religion from the discussion of Zionism—strange, since the discussion is precisely about religion gone terribly wrong! Revelation says of the Great Harlot, “All the nations were deceived by your sorceries.” (Rev. 18:23) The world revolutionary movement precipitating communism was largely launched in the 18th century in Poland as the work of occultist Jewish Kabbalists. They put in action the visionary recommendations of the mystical/revolutionary Zohar, or Kabbalah, of the Jews.
Revelation also predicts the city of Jerusalem will become “the great city,” center of world trade and Jewish dominion. Some have scoffed that Judaism’s relatively small spiritual center, Jerusalem, could justify such a description. But planners in Israel today have a different agenda. They want to make most of central Palestine into one great megapolis, just as the Bible predicts.
With this in mind, we should not neglect the significance of Revelation’s description of Israel, the "mother of harlots," as holding in her hand a golden goblet “full of the wine of her fornications.” She has pressed it to the lips of the Gentiles, compelling them to drink. Therefore, the nations are deranged. (Rev. 17:2) Spiritually, this can be interpreted as the intoxicating wine of spiritual lawlessness that Zionism and Jewish supremacism, through big media, pornography (See Talmud: Wellspring of Jewish Pornography Industry), hate laws, etc., have imposed upon the world. But it could also be read as describing the way Jews have dominated the liquor industry, working closely with Jewish Hollywood to portray drinking as a socially acceptable, normal way to deal with life. This scenario is literally fulfilled as we discuss Jewish control of hard liquor production and distribution over the past century and, in particular, the role of the Jewish Bronfman family.
But first, I must answer the predictable response of many when presented with the claim of a conspiracy behind Hollywood's glamorization of alcohol: "What's the problem? People are going to drink. They always have. And somebody is going to sell them liquor. What's the big conspiracy?"
At the heart of Talmudic/Kabbalistic ethics lies permission for the Jew to weaken the Gentile through any means. Such weakening is vital toward Talmudic Judaism's goal of eventual mastery over the nations. (Zohar I, 60a) As we will see in this article, the conspiracy is that Jewish liquor moguls have unnaturally stimulated liquor consumption among Americans for well over a century, just as their Hollywood counterparts, Jewish media moguls, have stimulated sexual immorality. (See Jews Confirm Big Media Is Jewish)
Unlike the largely Gentile tobacco industry, scathingly criticized in recent decades, the Jewish-dominated alcohol industry has been promoted by Jewish media, especially toward "heart-healthy" wine consumption. Yet, as recent documents reveal, the tobacco industry paid untold millions to Hollywood stars to promote smoking and the use of tobacco. There is little doubt that Big Alcohol has done the same, filling movies with "commercials" for its degrading product.
Consider briefly a few hard facts about how successful they have been in debilitating Americans, both morally and economically:
- College Drinking: According to “Binge Drinking on College Campuses” (Center for Science in the Public Interest, December 2008), in 2005 there were approximately 7.2 million college binge drinkers, and 2.3 million heavy drinkers. This leads to 1,700 alcohol/drug related college deaths each year, 599,000 student injuries, 696,000 student assaults, 400,000 student incidents of engaging in unprotected sex, and some 70,000 instances of sexual assault. One estimate was placed at $80,000 per college just due to alcohol related vandalism.
- Underage Drinking: According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Control, the cost of underage drinking to society from accidents, crime, academic underachievement, etc., is $64 billion per year.
- DWI Costs: Driving While Intoxicated continues as a horrendous problem throughout the country. According to “The High Cost of Drunk Driving” (Russell Weisman, Article Alley, January 5, 2006), the cost to society from D.W.I. in 2001 was estimated at $230 billion tax dollars due to highway DWI collisions.
- Impaired Employees: … the annual employer cost of alcohol-related injuries to employees and their dependents was reported at $28.6 billion.
In 1921, Henry Ford, Sr., in his book, The International Jew, provided invaluable background and insight into the Jewish monopoly of distilled liquor in modern times. He said,
It will come to many people as new knowledge that the liquor business of the world has been in the hands of Jews. In the United States the liquor business was almost exclusively in the hands of Jews for almost 25 years previous to Prohibition…In general, the Jews are on the side of liquor and always have been…Ford went on to name the Jewish owners of dozens of national hard liquor companies and distilleries and summarized:
The Jewish Encyclopedia states that ‘The establishment of the government liquor monopoly (in Russia in 1896) deprived thousands of Jewish families of a livelihood.’ They controlled the liquor traffic, the vodka business which undermined Russia. The government made the liquor business a national monopoly in order to abolish it, which was done. Liquor in Russia was Jewish, as the Encyclopedia testifies. Anyone reading carefully the article on Russia, especially pages 527 and 559 in the Jewish Encyclopedia, will be in no doubt as to the fact. In Rumania the whole ‘Jewish Question’ was the liquor question. The land of the peasants came into control of the liquor sellers, and the business of handling liquors was a strict Jewish monopoly for years. In Poland the same was true. It is not surprising, therefore, that in the United States whiskey also became Jewish.
In the volume, The Conquering Jew, published by Funk & Wagnalls Company in 1916, John Foster Fraser writes: ‘The Jews are masters of the whiskey trade in the United States. Eighty per cent of the members of the National Liquor Dealers’ Association are Jews. It has been shown that 60 percent of the business of distilling and wholesale trade in whiskey is in the hands of the Jews…’
The list of Cincinnati liquor dealers reads like a directory of the Warsaw ghetto.
The lists here given do not by any means begin to indicate the numbers of the Jews engaged in the liquor business; they only indicate the complexity the business takes on when a search is made behind the brands and trade names. Any citizen in any city of size will have no trouble confirming the statement that most of the rectifiers, wholesalers and brokers in the whiskey trade of his city also were Jews.
Samuel Bronfman was the son of formerly wealthy Jewish Russian immigrants to Canada, fleeing czarist persecution. They were devoutly Orthodox, bringing their own rabbi with them. I don't usually quote Wikipedia, yet it conveniently summarizes noncontroversial facts concerning Bronfman's history.
In 1903, the family bought a hotel business, and young Samuel, noting that much of the profit was in alcoholic beverages, set up shop as a liquor distributor. He founded the Distillers Corporation in Montreal in 1924, specializing in cheap whiskey, and concurrently taking advantage of the U.S. prohibition on alcoholic beverages. The Bronfmans found great success bootlegging to the northern cities of the U.S. such as Boston, New York and Chicago during the Prohibition era, while operating from the perimeters of Montreal, Quebec, where alcohol production was legal.In its article on Seagram, Wikipedia continues, “In 1928, a few years after the death of Joseph E. Seagram (around 1919), the Distillers Corporation acquired Joseph E. Seagram & Sons and took over the Seagram name.”
While real Scotch whiskey might be aged for two to twelve years, Bronfman Scotch could be aged in about two days … What no one noticed, either — not even Sam Bronfman himself — was that with this haphazard mixing of alcohol, real whiskey and other ingredients, Bronfman was in the process of inventing the whole new category of alcoholic beverage: blended whiskey [1].”Birmingham continues, quoting Jewish gangster Meyer Lansky’s chief confederate, Lucky Luciano:
Sam Bronfman was bootleggin’ enough whiskey across the Canadian border to double the size of Lake Erie. It was no wonder that wags in the liquor trade were beginning to refer to Lake Erie as ‘the Jewish lake.’ [2]At the height of its success in the 1990s, the Seagram Company Ltd. employed 30,000 people worldwide, with Seagram’s liquors sold in more than 197 countries and territories. Affiliates and joint ventures in 41 countries comprised the largest distribution system in the spirits and wine industry.
Edgar, Jr., the second of five children, was favored by his grandfather Samuel as suitable for leadership of Seagram’s. Yet, even in his high school years, Edgar revealed a pronounced attraction to music, songwriting and the dramatic arts, not business. Enjoying some success as a songwriter and producer, he eloped in 1979, marrying African-American actress Sherry Brewer. This estranged him from his father, head of the World Jewish Congress and quintessential Jewish supremacist. Wikipedia summarizes events that led to the collapse of Seagram’s:
In 1982, Bronfman returned to the Seagram Company, spending three months learning the ropes before moving to London to become managing director of Seagram Europe. In 1984, Bronfman returned to New York as President of the House of Seagram, the company's U.S. marketing division. By 1994 he became the Chief Executive Officer, where he began a move away from the traditional liquor business and into entertainment.Edgar went on to become a successful CEO of Warner Music Group. After stepping down from WMG, he still remains a very rich man, an heir to the fortune of what has been called the “Rothschilds of the Americas.” No longer a major force in business or entertainment, he was convicted of insider trading in France and still carries the stigma of having destroyed Seagram’s.
The first step in this diversification was the widely criticized sale of Seagram's stake in DuPont. In 1981, Edgar Bronfman, Sr., had sold Seagram's stake in Conoco to DuPont, in exchange for almost 25% of the chemical giant. This stake in DuPont, by 1995, represented about 70% of Seagram's total earnings. Nevertheless, Bronfman, Jr., acting as Seagram's CEO, approached DuPont about buying back its shares, a deal that DuPont wasted no time in closing.
With the proceeds of the $9 billion sale, Bronfman, Jr., went on an expansion into the entertainment business, in music through the acquisition of Polygram, and in film entertainment through MCA and Universal Pictures. However, the new entertainment conglomerate he created had a brief life before needing a strategic partner. Bronfman, Jr., then led Seagram into a controversial all-stock acquisition by French conglomerate Vivendi in 2000. Bronfman, Jr., became chief of the new company, Vivendi Universal, but the Seagram company effectively lost control of its entertainment businesses. Meanwhile, the beverage division—the core of Seagram's business—was acquired by Pernod Ricard and Diageo. Seagram's for all intents and purposes ceased to exist.
Edgar Bronfman, Sr., as president of the World Jewish Congress, considered anti-Semitic “haters” to be his greatest enemy. In a WJC fundraiser he writes,
More and more people are on TV calling the Holocaust a ‘hoax’…and making wild accusations against ‘Jewish’ bankers and ‘blood-sucking Jews’ as we saw with the televised interviews with Louis Farrakhan several months ago. And for every Farrakahn we know of hundreds of lesser known BUT EQUALLY DANGEROUS anti-Semitic leaders.Yet the liquor empire he and his father had created from nothing was brought to nothing, not by enemies from without but by his own son. In the end, the huge national Seagram’s distilleries in Waterloo could no longer pay maintenance costs and were turned into condominiums.
Hate crimes laws may make you a lawbreaker! Such laws, while claiming to promote tolerance, actually lead to the end of free speech! Powerful articles and NPN’s video exposé of hate crimes laws in Canada and the United States provide you with the vital tools necessary to combat this imminent threat to freedom. This video is especially important as acts of terrorism extend the power of "Big Brother" to monitor what you do, say, and think.
White House sources have revealed that President Trump regrets following the left-conciliating advice of his son-in-law and senior advisor, Jared Kushner regarding police reform.
They say he has abandoned Kushner’s advice on this issue, returning to his previous assertion that “systemic racism” in American police is a virtual non-issue compared to the magnitude of protection and fair play which the vast majority of police provide all citizens.
17 December, 2019 - EMERGENCY ALERT - Trump Supports Jewish Claim: Christianity is Antisemitic.
President Trump’s recent Executive Order IS THE TEXT of the Jewish ADL’s “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, S852, recently rejected by the US Senate for Committee consideration.
“Anti-Semitism Awareness” Bill Worse than “Equality” Bill! Good news! The Christian-threatening, LGBT- promoting “Equality Act” could not face confrontation with hostile Senate Judiciary Republicans this spring. It went nowhere. Yet Democrats could still try to get it through the Senate Judiciary. NPN will sound the alarm at Truthtellers.org if it starts to move forward.
18 May 2019 - EMERGENCY ALERT - Senate New Forum for “Equality” Bill Debate
Call the Congress Hotline at 1-202-224-3121 and ask for a Senator’s office. I suggest you say: “Please don’t vote for the “Equality Act” S788. It will help end free speech for Christians making them criminals if they criticize Homosexuality”.
01 May 2019 - EMERGENCY ALERT - “Equality” Bill Hastens Babylon the Great - Part Two
If Jews acquire full protection as a “protected class” in America it will mean that if a Jew complains to the government that he has suffered “acute emotional trauma” as a result of “anti semitic” discrimination or criticism of his race or religion he may prompt a federal investigation. If the government agrees, the defendant will have to retain the best lawyer he can find.
Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015
Email: Rev. Ted Pike, npntedpike [@] gmail.com